Dedicate a Chapter

In Honor or in Memory of a Loved One

Did you know that hundreds of books of Tehillim are being completed on the Abraham’s Legacy: Tehillim Together app on a weekly basis?! With an ever growing community of 28,000 strong from countries around the world those numbers will continue to grow BH! Moreover, we have only scratched the surface and have a wide range of exciting new features we are hoping to add to the app to increase our members’ appreciation and connection to Tehillim.

You can become part of the growth of this wonderful project while acquiring untold zechuyot for yourself and your family. Through Abraham’s Legacy: Tehillim Together you can dedicate a chapter of Tehillim in memory or in honor of a loved one. When you do, their name will appear at the top of the chapter for all of our members. What an incredible zechut!

*All donations are 100% tax-deductible and will be used towards the further growth and development of Abraham’s Legacy: Tehillim Together.